Construction Consulting Services
- Hourly Rate is $295.00
- Portal to Portal Travel Time Hourly Rate is $150.00
- Mileage Rate is $.55 per mile driven in personal automobile
- All Out of Pocket Expenses are billed at cost (Motel, Parking, Taxi, Uber, Rental Car, Tips, gasoline, etc.).
- Air Fare is billed at Delta Air Lines Full Coach Rate (Delta is only carrier serving Dothan, AL).
- Meals are billed at a flat rate of $95.00 per day for each night out of town.
- Billing is monthly & due Net 15th Prox.
Private Mediation / Construction Mediation
- Hourly Rate is $325.00 (6 Hour Minimum) or Flat Fee of $2,600.00 (over 8 hours) per day plus mileage, travel time, out of pocket expenses, air fare & meals.
- Note: Mediation through American Arbitration Association is as indicated on my panel information sheet. See or contact your local AAA office and ask for G. Lyle Charles as your Mediator.
- If Private Mediation is cancelled within 14 days of scheduled mediation date a cancellation fee of $1,950.00 is owed to compensate for lost workday.
- Private Mediation Fees are billed in advance at the daily rate & are due 10 days prior to scheduled mediation date.
Owner On-Site Representation Services / Interim Short Term Management Services / Crisis Management/ Turnaround Services / Business Coaching
- Services offered at a negotiated & agreed to all-inclusive daily or monthly fee.
- Billing is monthly & due Net 15th
Party Appointed Arbitration Services
- Services are billed at $325.00 per hour (6 hour per day minimum), plus all travel time, mileage, out of pocket expenses, air fare & daily meal allowance as applicable.
- This service requires an advance deposit as agreed to with the client.