The advantages of mediation in general for resolving almost any dispute are well known: It’s fast, relatively low-cost, informal and private. In any dispute where speed and cost are considerations, mediation should always be one of the first seriously considered methods of resolving disputes. For the construction industry – on all sides, including investors and contractors – mediation is even more essential. Even when there is no formal alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provision in the contracts covering a construction project, construction mediation is an essential tool in resolving issue for three very important reasons. Speed. More so than any other... Read More
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Private Mediation
Business deals and especially construction projects are very public things that are exposed to a lot of commentary and observation. The perception and impression that the investing and general public has concerning a construction project – or any public project of almost any scale – can have a direct impact on its eventual success, its ability to find funding to bring the final stages into completion, and even the stock performance of involved corporations. With so much at stake in terms of real money and potential value, resolving disputes must be done quickly – but more importantly, they must be... Read More
Construction Consultants
Any construction project is a complex and high-stakes undertaking, from the most modest residential project in the suburbs to the most ambitious soaring tower in the middle of downtown. Whether it’s tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of dollars, someone certainly doesn’t want to see that money frittered away on mistakes, poor planning, and unforeseen consequences. This is where construction consultants earn their money: By saving yours. They have years of experience in various aspects of the construction industry, in both management and field work, and bring expertise in every possible facet to the table: Concrete work, fabrication, steel... Read More
Construction Claims Management
Construction is one of the most complicated projects that can be undertaken, and is unique in the fact that almost all construction projects become more complex as time goes on, not less as might be imagined as a structure takes shape and the “punch list” of tasks needing attention gets shorter and shorter. But as construction proceeds, it almost invariably encounters unexpected variables which in turn cause change orders – and these changes have a “domino effect” on other aspects of the project, increasing the complexity steadily. Claims against construction projects thus rise exponentially as the project proceeds, and effective... Read More