Issues that May Require a Construction Claims Expert

Construction projects can be some of the most complex types of work, often requiring extensive knowledge and experience on a variety of subject. When something goes wrong in the project, a construction claims expert may be able to help identify the issues and work on possible solutions. A construction claims expert may be consulted regarding a number of issues, including:

  • Claims based on incomplete contracts that do not properly lay out details regarding ongoing construction
  • Claims based on unnecessary overages
  • Claims based on proposed modifications to the contract
  • Claims based on delays and interference with contractual relationships
  • Claims based on quality control issues
  • Claims based on violations of building codes or safety standards
  • Claims based on inadequate supervision

A construction claims expert can help to investigate the underlying facts and circumstances that led to the claim. Likewise, he or she can assess whether contributory negligence played a part in any accident, which is a legal bar to winning a personal injury case in Alabama. Additionally, he or she may consult with one of the parties to a contract about a potential settlement so that the issue can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

An expert of this nature understands that key management must learn about changes in claims in a prompt manner and will work diligently to provide open lines of communication during the claims process. Additionally, he or she is cognizant of the need to not allow claims to cause unnecessary delays in the overall project and will strive to keep the project on track.