What to Look For in a Construction Claims Expert

If your construction company is involved in a construction defect dispute related to structural steel, your business is on the line. Under such serious circumstances, you should definitely seek the assistance of an experienced structural steel construction claims expert. Serious construction disputes require professional advice as soon as possible in the claims process so that you have the information you need to devise the best plan in order to get the best result. Input and support from a competent construction claims expert will increase the likelihood of your claim being settled more quickly and equitably.

Construction disputes often involve multiple parties and center around complex engineering and technical issues, schedule delays, time impacts, economic damages, and contract interpretation. Unfair contract risk-shifting by the prime contractor to the subcontractor is more the norm than the exception in today’s bidding environment. Construction disputes causing delays and disruptions can make a huge impact, especially on smaller contractor where it may even be a matter of business survival.

A consultation with a structural steel construction claims expert can be invaluable in helping you accurately assess your claim and assisting you in claim preparation in the following areas:

  • Defective Contract Documents
  • Industry Standards (AISC-AWS-RCSC)
  • Steel Industry Standards of Care
  • Scope of Work Changes
  • RFI Issues
  • Shop Drawing Issue
  • Down Time
  • Schedule
  • Overtime
  • Material
  • Work Stoppages
  • Work Complexity
  • Out of Sequence Deliveries

You should seek a construction claims expert with vast experience in the construction industry who firmly understands structural steel. Your ideal expert should also be able to explain the underlying hardcore facts and proof of liability in easy-to-understand terms to you as well as the required forum, whether that be at negotiations, deposition, mediation, arbitration trial, or dispute review boards. If you are involved in a structural steel construction defect dispute, contact a local construction claims expert today.