Monthly Archives: October 2015

How to Find the Right Person for the Job for Alabama Construction Mediation

Are you worried about the expense related to litigating your construction claim? Do you want an alternative way to peacefully resolve a disagreement without your contract going under? Alabama construction mediation may be for you. This alternative dispute resolution option allows you and the other party to meet with a neutral third party in order to come up with a sensible solution to resolve your problem. However, the first hurdle is hiring the right person to conduct Alabama construction mediation. Here are some key attributes that you should look for. Knowledge The ideal mediator for a construction claim is someone... Read More

What Has Your Construction Claims Expert Done for You Lately?

Sometimes it is difficult to justify retaining one person on your legal team. However, if your claim is a valuable one, a construction claims expert can be the person who provides specific and time-driven information to help you maximize the claim. However, if your construction claims expert is not effectively handling the following tasks, you may not be getting your money’s worth and you may want to consider another expert. Assessing Causation Before you can ever have a chance at recovering, you must be able to clearly establish how decisions made within the scope of the project resulted in you... Read More

Three Key Benefits of Business Coaching in Birmingham AL

Business coaching in Birmingham Alabama can be a tremendous asset to construction and steel companies. It involves having an expert in the field provide ongoing support and advice to business owners and corporations. In particular, business coaching in Birmingham Alabama provides the following key benefits: Assessment of Efficiency Many key components are necessary for a business to be successful, including having key personnel to support operations, having systemic processes in place and having a structured plan for the future. A business coach can assess the productivity and efficiency of a business by reviewing these components. Additionally, a business coach can... Read More
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